Occupational Therapy Consulting Services

Medicine adds days to life
but we add life to days!

Occupational Therapy (OT)


Occupational therapy is designed to help the children and adults improve their ability to do everyday activities. If anyone finds it difficult to perform their day-to-day activities, then they are offered occupational therapies by our experts so that they are able to comfortably and smoothly perform their daily tasks. The therapists of Occupational Therapist in Delhi’s occupational therapy in Delhi or any other part of India enhance the fine motor and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills include the use of small muscles and they play a pivotal role in daily activities like buttoning, writing and many more. Whereas, gross motor skills involve the use of big muscles and they play a major role in several activities like running, jumping and many more.



Individual has an occupation, and even kids are not an exception. Their job is to grow, do schoolwork, continue learning new things, play, etc. Unfortunately, some kids fail to develop essential life skills because of their physical, cognitive, and sensory disabilities. They often experience issues with sensory processing, fine or gross motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, and other similar abilities. Occupational therapy for children can make a big difference in this type of case. Occupational therapy also helps kids who struggle to learn basic life skills like bathing, brushing teeth, self-feeding, getting dressed, etc. OT also works excellently in developing fine motor skills among kids and improving their hand-eye coordination. A big part of their treatment is to determine where limitations or delays are coming from, particularly in the fields of social development, self-care routines, fine and gross motor skills, and cognitive skills. The therapeutic approach of OT professionals enables kids to learn essential life skills and helps them to grow into well-functioning, healthy adults. Pediatric occupational therapy can:

Develop fine motor skills among children so that they can grab, hold, and release objects like toys, balls, etc. It also improves handwriting and computer operating skills among kids.

Help children to master essential life skills like brushing, eating, bathing, etc.

Improve eye-hand coordination among children so that they can easily copy text from the blackboard or computer screen, throw and catch objects, bat a ball, etc.

Help kids learn excellent social skills and positive behaviors by enabling them to manage anger, disappointment, and frustration.

The purpose of OT is to prevent or minimize physical, cognitive, or sensory disabilities among individuals & kids and improve their functional independence in their daily life.

How can OT Counselling Services Help?


Occupational Therapist in Delhi’s objective is to make a long-term and tangible difference in the daily life of children and adults who require occupational therapy in Delhi or in any other part of the country. Also, we help you to improve the quality of your life with autism therapy consulting and help them to perform meaningful day-to-day activities better than before.

These daily life activities might become difficult due to a development disorder or after an injury or illness. Our occupational therapy consultant empowers the children and adults to develop the skills to comfortably and confidently participate in these activities. We offer occupational therapy in Delhi NCR and several other parts of the country, please feel free to contact us to know more.


Occupational Therapy Consulting at your Service!


The goal of Occupational Therapist in Delhi is always to make a long-term and tangible difference in your daily life through occupational therapy Mumbai. We do this by helping you participate in the day-to-day activities that you find meaningful.

Here is the complete list of the activities an Occupational Therapy Consultant can help with:

Bathing and Showering | Toileting and Toilet Hygiene | Dressing | Eating and Swallowing | Feeding | Functional Mobility | Personal Device Care | Personal Hygiene and Grooming | Sexual Activity | Care of Others | Care of Pets | Child Rearing | Communication Management | Driving and Community Mobility | Financial Management | Health Management and Maintenance | Home Establishment and Maintenance | Meal Preparation and Clean Up | Religious and Spiritual Activities and Expressions | Safety Procedures and Emergency Responses | Shopping | Rest and Sleep | Education | Work | Play | Leisure | Social Participation

These basic building blocks of daily life can become difficult after an injury, disability, or illness. The professionals at occupational therapy consulting help you develop the skills to participate in these activities with confidence.

About The Founder


About The Founder

Dr. Charu Arora is One of the Best Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Special Educational Needs Consultant in East Delhi. Masters of Occupational Therapy in Paediatrics with 12 years of clinical experience. Currently working as head of occupational therapy department of Genesis Neurogen and also working as a neurofeedback therapist and consultant in brain and spine clinic dealing in various physical and mental conditions in children and adults as well.

Dr.Charu Arora continues to work in various academic and non- academic settings offering customized multisensory intervention plans to children and young adults with learning difficulties and special needs.

As a consultant Dr.Charu Arora works with parents and teachers delivering adequate information and providing guidance to better help children with their diagnoses.

Dr.Charu Arora

Sr.Pediatric Occupational Therapist, M.O.T Pediatric, SI expert in sensory integration and developmental therapy.

