Autism Therapy Consulting

Autism is an Ability
Not a Disability!

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopment condition of the brain that affects how a person thinks, interacts with others, and experiences the world. Autism is described as a spectrum disorder as every autistic person is unique. Every individual falls on the spectrum differently as opposed to the other. Different individuals or kids with autism may have similar characteristics, but how they experience the condition differs. It is a developmental disability with an early onset.

Autism affects how a person responds and interacts with the world. It is a condition that impacts the individual’s behavioral, intellectual, emotional, and social-communicational abilities as well as motor skills. Early recognition, as well as behavioral, educational and Online Autism consultation may reduce symptoms and support development and learning. Irrespective of the spectrum-level, we wholeheartedly work with the parents to ensure children receive the required Online autism services, attention, support and education they deserve.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention. It is important to note that some people without ASD might also have some of these symptoms. People with ASD may behave, communicate, interact, and learn in ways that are different from most other people. There is often nothing about how they look that sets them apart from other people. The abilities of people with ASD can vary significantly. For example, some people with ASD may have advanced conversation skills whereas others may be nonverbal. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives; others can work and live with little to no support.

ASD begins before the age of 3 years and can last throughout a person’s life, although symptoms may improve over time. Some children show ASD symptoms within the first 12 months of life. In others, symptoms may not show up until 24 months of age or later. Some children with ASD gain new skills and meet developmental milestones until around 18 to 24 months of age, and then they stop gaining new skills or lose the skills they once had. As children with ASD become adolescents and young adults, they may have difficulties developing and maintaining friendships, communicating with peers and adults, or understanding what behaviors are expected in school or on the job. They may come to the attention of healthcare providers because they also have conditions such as anxiety, depression, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which occur more often in people with ASD than in people without ASD.

Our Autism Therapy Delhi Team is Here to Help!


Early Intervention Better Outcomes

A developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate, Autism spectrum disorder affects the nervous system. It impacts the overall cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of the person. Individuals on different parts of that autism spectrum have diverse strengths and weaknesses. The range & severity of symptoms can vary widely and thus, our Online autism services Delhi team helps to overcome them. If you know someone who has autism and they need autism therapy consulting doctors, we’ve got your back!


Occupational Therapy


Occupational therapy profiling gathers information regarding the medical history and areas of concern from caregivers as well as information about their habits and routines. Identify their interests and problem areas to improve participation and performance.

Sensory Integration


Sensory processing is the process of recognizing the sensations from our own body and the environment. This allows us to use our body effectively. Sensory integration is the way of improving the sensory processing in an individual. It prepares and teaches the kids and adults to easily understand and interpret the sensory experiences.

Reflex Integration


Reflexes are important for normal functioning of the body and for higher-level motor and cognitive skills. Primitive reflexes are not integrated if the development milestones are not met, and if the nervous system development is immature.

Signs of Autism



Inappropriate social interaction, poor eye contact, compulsive behaviour, impulsivity, repetitive movements, self-harm, or persistent repetition of words or actions.



Difficulty and slowness in understanding themselves and others around them. Difficulty in processing and identifying emotions and how to regulate them.



Intense interest in a limited number of things or following the same pattern of activities regularly. Problem paying attention.



Learning delay and speech delay.

If you see these signs in your child, feel free to reach out to Occupational Therapist in Delhi’s Online Autism consultation India experts.

Signs to look out for Autism Consulting Doctors


Social Differences in Children with Autism

  • Doesn't keep eye contact or makes very little eye contact
  • Doesn't respond to a parent's smile or other facial expressions
  • Doesn't look at objects or events a parent is looking at or pointing to
  • Doesn't point to objects or events to get a parent to look at them
  • Doesn't bring objects of personal interest to show to a parent
  • Doesn't often have appropriate facial expressions
  • Unable to perceive what others might be thinking or feeling by looking at their facial expressions
  • Doesn't show concern (empathy) for others
  • Unable to make friends or is uninterested in making friends

Communication Differences in Children with Autism

  • Doesn't point at things to show needs or share things with others
  • Doesn't say single words by 16 months of age
  • Repeats exactly what others say without understanding the meaning (often called parroting or echoing)
  • Doesn't respond to name being called but does respond to other sounds (like a car horn or a cat's meow)
  • Refers to self as "you" and others as "I," and may mix up pronouns
  • Often doesn't seem to want to communicate
  • Doesn't start or can't continue a conversation
  • Doesn't use toys or other objects to represent people or real life in pretend play
  • May have a good rote memory, especially for numbers, letters, songs, TV jingles, or a specific topic
  • May lose language or other social milestones, usually between the ages of 15 and 24 months (often called regression)

Behavioral Differences (Repetitive & Obsessive Behaviors) in Children with Autism

  • Rocks, spins, sways, twirls fingers, walks on toes for a long time, or flaps hands (called "stereotypic behavior")
  • Likes routines, order, and rituals; has difficulty with change or transition from one activity to another
  • Obsessed with a few or unusual activities, doing them repeatedly during the day
  • Plays with parts of toys instead of the whole toy (e.g., spinning the wheels of a toy truck)
  • Doesn't seem to feel pain
  • May be very sensitive or not sensitive at all to smells, sounds, lights, textures, and touch
  • Unusual use of vision or gaze—looks at objects from unusual angles

About The Founder


About The Founder

Dr. Charu Arora is One of the Best Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Special Educational Needs Consultant in East Delhi. Masters of Occupational Therapy in Paediatrics with 12 years of clinical experience. Currently working as head of occupational therapy department of Genesis Neurogen and also working as a neurofeedback therapist and consultant in brain and spine clinic dealing in various physical and mental conditions in children and adults as well.

Dr.Charu Arora continues to work in various academic and non- academic settings offering customized multisensory intervention plans to children and young adults with learning difficulties and special needs.

As a consultant Dr.Charu Arora works with parents and teachers delivering adequate information and providing guidance to better help children with their diagnoses.

Dr.Charu Arora

Sr.Pediatric Occupational Therapist, M.O.T Pediatric, SI expert in sensory integration and developmental therapy.

